You, my dear friend, have been through some shit and you've come out on the other side. 
You are self-aware, emotionally intelligent and mature.
You are a high achiever, well-respected, dependable and trustworthy.

But WTF. 

Why are you not living a life you love inside and out?
Why are you not feeling safe & secure in yourself?
Why are you not building the most badass, true-to-you business or career?
Why are you not in fill-your-cup relationships?

I'm gonna give it to you straight:
Deep down, you honestly don't love yourself.
Deep down, you honestly don't believe in yourself.
Deep down, you feel like because you're in your 30s+ you just can't evolve or change, and it's too late to live your dream life. Who TF told you that?!

When you love and believe in yourself the way I teach it:
  • You don't mistreat yourself.
  • You don't make promises and not keep them.
  • You take the actions that light you up and create spaces of freeness and alignment in your body.
  • You don't put up with all the shit, especially your own.
  • You are authentic in your expression (how that looks to YOU not someone else).

Yes, in some ways, we'll always be works in progress, but deeply loving ourselves can shift our entire life overnight. If we allow it.

This is not just about speaking nicer to yourself.
It's not about setting more boundaries.
My kind of self-love is getting real and honest with your shit - and saying, "I see you and I love you, you crazy bitch. Here's how we're going to do this..."

Are you ready to radically change your life?
Are you ready to build a kick ass business or career?
Are you ready to have deeper, more fulfilling relationships?
Are you ready to live a life that feels like the craziest effing love letter to yourself?

Keep reading...

I see you...

i'm freaking in
This is the signature way to work with me. We get selfish, we get one-track-minded to our goals and we do everything we can to get what we want. 

You are 1:1 with me which makes this the most potent experience you will find anywhere. My energy, passion and drive is unmatched in the online space. 

  • All aspects of you - life, business, love, relationships
  • Identifying and shifting your limiting beliefs
  • Standing in your integrity and truth
  • Strategy & execution
  • Energetics & mindset

This experience is built completely bespoke to you. From our first call, I'm able to strategically understand where we need to place most of our intention and attention. 

My unique method blends inner work with practical, high-impact action steps. This isn't just about journaling, meditation and mindset work. We take your dreams from mind or paper to reality. I'll guide you to use your renewed sense of self-belief to make bold AF moves in your career, relationships and every other thing in your life. 

That means you're not just transforming internally, you'll also see evidence of it externally. 

  • You are committed to building a life that fills your cup and you know that you are meant for more than your present situation or circumstance. 
  • You are so freaking ready to feel more excited about your life and the big, beautiful life force energy. 
  • You've been in spaces with people who expand you and you say to yourself, "if they can do it, so can I." 
  • You have a kink for (lovingly) hard kicks in the ass + reality checks.

$1900 paid-in-full or $333/month six-month commitment

$1900 paid-in-full or $333/month
six-month commitment

1:1 guidance

we focus on

i'm the one for you if...

what's included

  • Bi-weekly 1:1 calls - We dive deep into each aspect of you that you want to shift and grow. These are worth 3x the full investment because we go deeeep.
  • Quarterly integration sessions - You take the wheel of the calls to celebrate and solidify your growth. We'll also tweak and adjust things as you welcome a new evolution of your life. 
  • Weekly Telegram support - You don't need me to hold your hand but this will help me hold you accountable to ensure you're walking the walk, and keeping promises to yourself. 
  • Bonus #1 - Access to any microprograms during our time together. 
  • Bonus #2 - Custom bracelet that will be personally blessed and charged by me, so you can tune into the energy when you need a shift. 
This is a six month commitment. I believe that true transformation and lifelong shifts happen in long-term containers. This will require dedication to yourself and your growth and it will take at least six-months, if not more, for that to happen at a core level. 

People who have been in my world tell me, "the universe smiles on me." People in this container find out why.
yes, please
i'm ready

My mission is to empower 30-somethings+ to create a life of their dreams. It's never too late to start over and to live life on your terms. 

I'm living proof it's possible. I didn't get where I am today by waiting for life to happen to me. In everything that I've achieved in my life, I had no evidence to show that I would've been successful. But with my unwavering belief in myself and my unconditional love for myself -- I created the evidence and I went after what my heart wanted. 

In 2016, I experienced the first big loss of my life and it irrevocably changed the trajectory of everything. I made a choice to love myself enough to live...and I became unstoppable. Now, if I set my heart on something, I achieved it because I loved myself and I believed in myself enough to take action. That's all it boils down to. 

I am ever evolving, ever expanding, ever growing because my life is my own co-creation.
I've gone from giving up everything for my dreams -- what society tells us is safety, security and stability -- to living a life beyond my wildest dreams, one that changes and evolves as I do.

i'm charlene

who am i?

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